Think Fly® Spray – A Review
With the miserable wet winter now a distant memory, the days are getting warmer which is very welcome for any horse owner. Sunny days however brings the flies out in droves which brings agitation to most horses and ponies.
The horse fly spray market is a large one and all horse owners look for a spray which is long lasting, effective, pleasant smelling and gentle on the purse. Devon-based nutritional equine specialist Brinicombe Equine have recently launched a new fly spray that takes a scientific approach to deter flies and other parasites. Think Fly Spray® is a natural, organic spray, and part of the successful range of Think products for horse owners and breeders.
Alison, a horse owner from East Sussex recently used a review bottle of Think Fly® Spray and here are her thoughts on the product:
“As a 100% natural organic insect repellent, I was keen to see if it would be effective against midges and flies in the recent hot weather. It boasts of being long lasting and it is true to say that you can still smell the product after 24 hours. The smell is strong but it is not unpleasant.
Flies did not seem to be a problem after application but the effect on midges seemed to be disappointingly short lived. The nozzle is a slightly different pump design to the sprays I have had before, it is a trigger. It is much nicer to use and did not get blocked at all with the product. I would definitely use Think Fly® Spray later in the season, especially when the flies are more of a problem.”
With thanks to Alison for the positive review. Brinicombe Equestrian recommends Think Itch which is a feed supplement highly effective on reducing midges which agitate horses and ponies.

All classes of equine, for external use only.
Always complete a patch test before use. Topical application only.
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Apply evenly to the whole or exposed areas of the body. Apply according to insect challenge.
Patented PST22 Polysulphide Technology®, Cymbopogon citratus
Price £16.95 500ml easy spray bottle – Click HERE to purchase
Working in partnership with Brinicombe Equine