The Rider’s Balance by Sylvia Loch
A review by Emily Lloyd of EEquineUK
Foreword by Charlotte Dujardin
With the launch of this book in the autumn, The Rider’s Balance is designed for riders of all abilities from the novice to the most advanced. World-renowned classical riding expert Sylvia Loch teaches through illustrations and detailed photos how each tiny shift of
The weight aids are generally taught only to higher level students especially those learning the more advanced skills. Yet, by including them from the beginning, novice riders will develop a much greater understanding of their own bodies and abilities, and those of the horse from day one.
In Sylvia’s words…
The time has surely come to show all riders how their body-weight impacts on the horse for good or bad. Feel and balance should govern the whole ethos of equitation. In this book, I show through pictures how the giving of the aids can transform the horse in each and every movement so that our communication with this wonderful animal takes us to new levels of understanding and empathy.
Emily Lloyd, our reviewer gives her thoughts
“Sylvia Loch’s book The Riders Balance is a fantastic example of well explained and thought out tuition. This book although mainly based on educating and promoting understanding with regards to weight aids briefly touches on other subjects such as rein aids to create a full picture for the rider.
This book is a book for life, you can slip in and out of the sections dependant on what you need at the time or can read from cover to cover. You will always come away with moreknowledge, more understanding and the tools to implement.
Each of the accompanying diagrams and pictures
For me personally, I felt it took a long time to get into the information I was so eager to read. Although I was graciously rewarded for my patience with phenomenal content.
This is the first time I have ever seen Sylvia’s work and I am incredibly impressed.”
To purchase your own copy of The Rider’s Balance, please visit Quiller Publishing.