The Stables

The Bigger The Horse The Better!

Throughout the month of August, I posted through the #HorseBloggers channel a top tip every day in keeping topics flowing when it comes to blogging about all things equine!  I have decided to write thirty one posts, each taking on board the tips that I recommended. So my second post is all about my favourite breed of horses and why.

I have to say the bigger the horse, the better in my eyes. Now I do not want to do these little ponies injustice – they are responsible for my love of starting riding as a child. Most ponies are diamonds but some, however, are more spirited shall we say. Having been dumped by a Welsh Section B more times than I care to remember at my local riding school, it was a welcome relief to “grow” into horses.

Now I own a Belgium Warmblood gelding. He was not a breed that I sought to have, he just fell in my lap. I knew nothing about warmbloods until he came into my care. I had ridden cobs and thoroughbreds and I think if I had to shop for a horse these days, the trusty cob would be the top of my list. Now a cob to a warmblood couldn’t be further apart.

Having owned a warmblood over the last thirteen years, they are a different entity to own compared to a hardy round cob! For me, warmbloods are just so elegant and handsome and most of them know it… They are always pretty lofty starting at 16.hh with some touching 18hh.  I worried about his 17.2 size but I just felt he didn’t have a nasty bone in his body and I think the majority haven’t. However, they can over analyse situations and I have always said you could hack a warmblood past a crane with a swinging ball smashing a wall down and it would not bat an eyelid. Hack down the road a bit further and the crisp bag that is blowing in the wind would give a warmblood a complete breakdown waving their lofty leg in the air!

Do not be fooled with the warmbloods good looks that they are a breeze to look after. Far from it if my experience is to go by. They like to have an ailment or three… They are a fine breed that do not take to being left in wind and rain for more than around eight minutes. You can also rely on a warmblood to be giving you “the face” at the gate waiting to come in if the weather is a little inclement. They like their home comforts and they are a horse to be pampered. With my warmblood now in his veteran years, we are dealing with a variety of ailments from arthritis to cushings disease. However, my warmblood really has a complete heart of gold and is the most reliable and honest horse I have encountered. He has taught me so much and I love him to bits.

In my eyes, the bigger the horse the better their temperament can be. I just love big horses. Take me to a county show and I will make a beeline to the show ring or stables where the Shires or Clydesdales are. They are so majestic and calm. You very rarely see a Shire having a nappy moment as most are docile, calm and patient. Thankfully with this temperament, a Shire or a Clydesdale would be a very dangerous animal to handle if hot headed and unmanageable.

So this is my shout out for all the big lovable horses that are out there and to answer the top tip – my favourite breeds would be the hardy cob, the complex warmbloods and the gentle Shire giants!