Book Reviews

Stable Condition: How to Stay Sane With Horse People in Your Life – A Review

Author of the hilarious best-seller ‘From Nags to Numbnuts’ Daniel Skinner (better known as Skint Dressage Daddy), has put pen to paper again with his humorous take on life with horses. With his horse mad family knee deep in expensive shavings, numerous blingy bridles and horse rugs that could clothe all the Queen’s horses, Stable Condition: How To Stay Sane With Horse People is a must-read for equestrian lovers and their long suffering family and friends.

Horse owner Gilly recently reviewed this book for Haynet and gave us her thoughts:

With the gloomy winter months ahead, us horse owners need a laugh so I was more than happy to read Stable Condition and give it my review. Being a horse owner for many years, I totally could see the issues from my husband’s point of view and sympathised with the author’s views, although I have to fund my own horse… The book gave an honest insight into horse ownership in a humourous way and there were many times that I laughed out loud reading the book!

The book would appeal to teenagers and adults who own or have owned horses in the past. It is also a good read for the family members too and to sympathise with the trials and tribulations horse ownership can bring. Overall I really enjoyed reading Stable Condition and would definitely recommend the book.

So to get you through the next few wintery months of horse ownership, why not delve into Skint Dressage Daddy’s world and laugh at this fantastic but bonkers hobby that we all love!

To purchase visit Amazon or Skint Dressage Daddy