Saying Goodbye To The Horse Behind Haynet – The Lovely Zeb
It’s been a very difficult week, so apologies for not my normal Haynet newsletter. I have lost my lovely Zeb this week who is the whole reason that Haynet started.
Sadly this long and grotty winter had got to his nearly 23 year old bones with a horrible hoof abscess being the start of his deteriorating health. He never really was the same after this abscess with some very worrying symptoms. Despite giving medication, he did not improve and blood tests revealed something sinister was going on. The last few weeks he displayed some more concerning signs that all was not well and his general demeanor started changing. This just showed me that he was a very poorly horse. So the kindest and hardest decision was to send him on his way, which happened this week.
I am utterly heartbroken and devasted but know I have made the right decision to stop any more pain and discomfort. He really was my horse in a million and a real gentleman with not a hurtful bone in his body. I have so many stories to tell over the fourteen years that I have had him, so I will be posting about these in the near future. I will make sure blogging about him will keep his memory alive which is actually probably for my own benefit. After all, writing about the ups and downs that having Zeb in my life was the reason I started blogging which led to the creation of Haynet!
I am also going to write about how losing a horse affects you as I knew this was going to be hard but it has been devastating and I know it is going to take time to get through this. I am also not buying another horse which again I will write about my reasons behind that decision. It will be very strange not being a horse owner anymore but still have plans to get back in the saddle.
I have been so comforted by the kind messages – the horse community is a strong one! So thank you, I really appreciate it.
So canter free my lovely Zeb and remember to chuck in an unasked flying change, just because you can. You will always have a place deep in my heart and I will never, ever forget you. xx

Melanie Watson
Sending a huge cyber hug to you xxxx
Tamasine Thompson
So sorry for your loss Sam. Sending much love xxx
I’m so sorry to hear this Sam.
I’ve lost a couple of horses. It never gets easier, but they do leave us with such wonderful memories.
He’s running free now x
Sending lots of hugs to you xxxx
I’m so sorry.
Raquel Lynn
So sorry to hear this!
Oh my gosh, I’m sorry for your loss. I admire you for being brave and making the right choice for him. My animals and I send hugs! xx
Jane A Smith
So very sorry to hear about Zeb. We love our animals so much and whilst we know that someday they must leave us, it’s just awful when it happens. I fell for you. I do believe they are waiting for us in heaven – or it wouldn’t be heaven would it?!
Sympathy and very best wishes, Jane xxx
Karen Taaffe smith
Forever in your heart, gone but never forgotten . His body was ready but your ❤️ was not . RIP Zeb
Penny Hawes
Sam, I’m so sorry. You’re right, even if tou’re “prepared”, you’re never *really * preparesd. Having had horses for 45 years and having owned a busy lesson barn, I’ve lost a fair share of horses who were a part of my heart and soul. I’ve been graced with many “once in a lifetime” horses, and in losing each and every one of them, I’ve learned that they were indeed once in a lifetime. If you do decide to own another horse in the future, he certainly won’t replace Zeb or his special place in your heart, but you’ll grow a new special place in your heart just for your new horse. While your heart breaks with a loss, it’s always able to grow a little larger so there’s room to grow a new special place.