
Haynet Podcast is a must listen for any equestrian, canine or countryside blogger or business that enjoy writing and marketing within this industry. Social Tails owner Samantha Hobden who is a freelance content marketer and dog groomer aims to bring her knowledge, humour, and opinion to topics that will help you within the areas of blogging and promoting pet and countryside businesses.
Haynet Podcast also gives bloggers a voice too with guests lined up to give their thoughts on blogging and help businesses in the rural industry with leading marketing experts.
So if you are on the go, grab your headphones or kick off your wellies, make a cup of tea and listen to Sam and her guests share their opinions, observations in the hectic rural world.
The equestrian industry can be a tough place to be. So is business within the equine sector in better shape than five years ago? Rhea Freeman gives us her thoughts…
Have you ever thought about blogging? Sam Hobden talks on this podcast about what the best platform is to start blogging particularly through the equestrian and countryside industry.
There are so many social media platforms these days, but which one is best to work from to promote your rural business? Rhea Freeman discusses her thoughts on the best platforms for businesses in the equestrian and countryside industry in our podcast.
Blogging is everywhere on social media now in all sorts of niches. So what makes a good blogger asks Sam Hobden, especially in the equestrian and countryside industry. Come and listen to her thoughts…
For many businesses, Christmas is the busiest and crucial time of year financially. Making your rural business stand out in social media is vital in making sure your clients take time to do their Christmas shopping online with you. Rhea Freeman gives her advice on making sure your business is socially seen in this latest podcast.
Using hashtags is vital when sharing your content on social media, particularly on Twitter and Instagram. Sam Hobden discusses in this podcast how the #HorseBloggers hashtag can make your equestrian content gallop that bit further!
Entering into a new year in the fast and changing social media world, what trends should you be on the look out for in 2018? Rhea Freeman gives her predictions in this podcast.
With the rise of the blogger over the last few years, many are now classed as influencers and rural brands are waking up to working with them through social media. Sam Hobden discusses what makes an influencer and why does it matter in this podcast.
If you are an equestrian business and you haven’t visited BETA International before, then Rhea Freeman explains why you should go! Listen to her top tips and how to make most of your visit in this podcast.
Video is huge in social media and not to be ignored. Sam Hobden discusses why we should be using video in our content even for the camera shy in this podcast.
Sometimes marketing plans and strategies need extra input when it comes to social media. Rhea Freeman gives her thoughts on why you should consider using a business coach to help you in this podcast.
We all have phases where we can lose motivation with our content and especially when it comes to blogging. Sam Hobden discusses how to keep motivated and get your writing mojo back when it comes to content in this podcast.
Competitions on social media are extremely popular and can be very beneficial for your rural business. Rhea Freeman explains how to go about running a competition through social media correctly and effectively in this podcast.
Rebranding takes time, planning and thought in any business. Sam Hobden discusses how to avoid mistakes when rebranding, especially within rural business in this podcast.
Social media is huge and you cannot ignore engaging with your clients through social platforms with your rural business. If you think that this is an area that needs improving, Rhea Freeman gives her ideas on how to help in this podcast.
Blogging through a social network, particularly Facebook is on the rise. But can blogging in this way be taken seriously? Sam Hobden discusses the pro and cons of writing blog content solely through a social network in this latest podcast.
Most businesses will have a budget when it comes to promoting their brand through social media. With the ever changing face of our social media networks, Rhea Freeman discusses in Haynet’s latest podcast where to invest your money when it comes to social media marketing.
As you know my blogging theme for the past decade has been about horses and the countryside. And this subject matter is one I love and am very passionate about. But should you write “off-piste” from your niche including this on your blog? Will this put off your audience and following? Sam Hobden discusses this topic in Haynet’s latest podcast chatting about the pros and cons of writing about what interests you and whether this is a good thing or not.
Writing a blog can be a big commitment and sometimes we may feel we are not posting enough or perhaps posting too often! So what is the happy medium in sharing your content through your website and social media pages?
Sam Hobden discusses this topic in Haynet’s latest podcast and how often you should be writing on your blog and promoting it through your social media pages whether you are a new blogger or a seasoned writer.
The humble tack shop or saddlery business is a very valuable asset within the equestrian community. With big brands disappearing from the high street, it is a very tough place for retail business.
Sam Hobden discusses in this latest episode how the tack shop can compete with online competition ensuring that the tack shop remains in our equestrian communities.
We have a super guest in our latest episode on the Haynet Podcast! Charlotte from The Forelock Journal is not only a fantastic equestrian blogger but also the current title holder and winner of the Equestrian Blogger of the Year Award 2018.
Charlotte gives her blogging tips in this episode especially for those that are delving into the world of rural blogging!
#22 Why Product Reviews Are Good For Blog Engagement
In this latest episode of the Haynet Podcast, we have a special guest equestrian blogger Jessica from Gee Gee and Me who predominantly writes product reviews which shows where to spend your money and when to save it when buying for your equestrian hobby! Jessica gives her thoughts on why product reviews are good for blog engagement and the challenges these can sometimes present.
Podcast #23 What Judges Look For In An Award Winning Blog/Vlog
As we enter 2020, Haynet and MirrorMePR are looking forward to recognising countryside and equestrian bloggers/vloggers awarding them for their brilliant efforts later this year! With the huge success of both awards last year, many want to know what judges Samantha Hobden and Ashley Rossiter look for when deciding finalists and whats make a blogger/vlogger stand out as an award winner.In this latest edition of the Haynet Podcast, Sam and Ashley met up recently to discuss the awards, announce a new category and give an idea of what criteria they work to when judging the Countryside Blogger of the Year Award and the Equestrian Blogger/Vlogger of the Year Award.
Podcast #24 Is It A Good Thing To Be Open and Honest With Your Feelings and Views When Blogging? by How Very Horsey
Writing your true feelings in a public blog can be also very cathartic. But can it also open you up to criticism and potentially adverse reaction. Daisy from How Very Horsey discusses this topic in our latest episode of the Haynet Podcast. Being a finalist in the Equestrian Blogger of the Year Awards, judges felt Daisy’s honest viewpoint with her writing was very endearing. Come and have a listen as to why she feels being honest with views through your blog writing is actually a good thing.
#25 Five Ways In How To Promote Your Dog Grooming Business Through Social Media
This latest episode is all about promoting your dog grooming business through social media. Many use social media every day to promote their dog grooming business but some perhaps shy away from shouting out about what they do…
If you are looking to increase your customer base, social media is a vital tool in raising your profile and promoting your brand and services to potential new clients.
#26 How Often Should You Post Through Social Media When Promoting A Business?
So how often should you be posting on social media especially when it comes to promoting a business?
Sam Hobden from Haynet discusses how and when you should be posting particularly if you are a dog grooming business. So take a break and have a listen.