
MDIRF: Thieves Take Off With Charities’ Transport & Burghley Stock

The Mark Davies Injured Riders Fund had their White Chausson Flash09 Camper Van (similar to this picture)

REG: WA 57 FRD  stolen between 9.30 pm and 10.45 pm (Saturday Night) from the A38 Travel Lodge Northbound on route to Burghley along with all their stock.

Rosemary Lang Administrator and Fund Co-ordinator speaking on behalf of the charity said:

“We are all completely devastated. Burghley is one of our bigger events and the van had all our stock, stand and personal items in. We now find ourselves in a critical situation and would appeal to everyone to keep an eye out for our van. The thieves have no idea the huge impact on their actions and the wider implications it will have on our small charity if it is not recovered in full.”

“We always rely on Burghley to help fund a large chunk of our work for the following year. This loss could impact on our ability to help so many of you as we do each year, so please support us if you are able to help in any way you can; from sharing our social media posts through to making a small donation on our website, it would be hugely appreciated.”

“If you see anyone fundraising with our branded collecting tins, logos and banners please alert the police also as these were also stolen.”

Staffordshire Police: 0300 123 4455

You can donate here: