Leovet Power Phaser Fly Spray – A Review
by Laura Szuca
The lovely Sam at Haynet asked me to do a review on the Leovet Power Phaser. With the recent cold and rainy weather, I decided to wait and hold off starting to test the product, as there wasn’t many flies around and didn’t think it would be a fair test of the product. However last week the sun came out and of course, so did the flies – perfect product testing conditions!
So, what do Leovet say about their Power Phaser?
The ultimate in fly protection! The new power in insect defence. Works against horseflies, ticks and all biting and non-biting flies. 100% keep-away power and long-lasting adhesion of the active ingredients even when your horse perspires. 7 hours of effectiveness.
What can I tell you about the Power Phaser from my experience?
It smells. Really strongly! And the smell seems to last, I don’t know if that is part of how the product keeps the flies away, but it seems to do the trick, I have noticed that when I go and bring Mikey in after a day in the field some of the other horses are tail swishing to keep the flies away, but Mikey doesn’t seem to be, so for me it definitely seems to help keep the flies away.
The ultimate test
A friend and I went out hacking early the other morning, it was humid and perfect fly weather! Without realising we put the fly spray to the optimum test, I put the spray on my horse Mikey, and my friend didn’t put any on her horse, and guess what, Mikey had no flies on him, but my friend’s horse was plagued with friends all the way around the fields! It wasn’t until we got back I realised, the only difference was the fly spray. So it gets a big thumbs up from us. One other plus point of the product is whilst it’s in a plastic bottle, the bottle can be recycled so you are doing your bit for the planet too.
Thanks Leovet – a great product!
Purchase HERE

One Comment
Leovet Power Phaser Fly Repellent 5l spray Smells awful which I assume is what helps to keep the flys at bay. Good quiet spay but still looking for a fly spray that truly works.