Heart to Heart with Horses – An Equine Lover’s Guide to Reiki
The author, Kathleen Prasad is a very well respected Reiki Master and the co-founder & president of the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA). I therefore expected it to be an informative and interesting read; however what I did not expect, was the number of wonderful meditations Kathleen has included in the book. As a Reiki practitioner myself, I meditate, however it has never occurred to me to include an animal in a meditation. I am not a horse owner but it seems to me that many of the meditations could be enjoyed with another animal instead.
For those unfamiliar with Reiki, the book offers a clear insight into this system of healing and gives some lovely case studies, which I particularly enjoyed. These detail incidences where Reiki has been offered to a horse either with a physical or emotional problem. Note the word “offered”. Throughout the book Kathleen impresses on the reader how important it is that the horse is in charge of the healing session and that if they wish to have physical touch they will approach you. My one criticism is that I felt these anecdotes could have been a little longer and more detailed. There are also some wonderful quotes in the book; “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved” – George MacDonald. This seems very pertinent when referring to the horse/rider relationship as it works both ways.
I particularly enjoyed Chapter 5; Horses as Teachers. “When we listen to our horses, we get an education. When we don’t, we get experience.” Mark Rashid. In this chapter Kathleen talks about how just spending time with horses, whether it’s grooming or simply watching them graze, helps our busy human minds to empty and to feel more at peace. I think most people will concur with this. Very often you will be spending time outside with your horse, enjoying nature and Kathleen explains how that helps us to “go to that quiet place inside us where healing energy flows so easily”. In her guidelines for sharing Reiki with your horse, Kathleen explains how Reiki is a complementary therapy and is not a replacement for veterinary care. She also gives practical safety advice. People unfamiliar with Reiki may not be aware that it can be carried out from a distance, which is a great advantage when dealing with a frightened or nervous animal.
I feel the book will appeal to those interested in or already practicing Reiki, those who meditate and of course anyone who owns a horse or rides regularly. A few aspects of the book might be outside the comfort zone of some people, particularly a couple of the meditations, however there is a lot to be learned from it and so many new ideas to consider.
In the words of Kathleen; Be light. Be love. Be peace. Be Reiki.
Review by Sandra Hunnisett, Reiki Practitioner
To purchase your own copy of Heart to Heart with Horses, please click HERE
For anyone interested in finding out more about Reiki, perhaps looking for a practitioner in their area who is experienced with horses or even learning Reiki themselves, I would suggest they visit The Reiki Association website www.reikiassociation.net. I am a member of The Reiki Association and we are a UK and worldwide not for profit organisation for Reiki Masters, practitioners & students. TRA supports community and professional practice.

One Comment
Jason Wickens
I have found reiki to be so helpful to horses, particularly those suffering from emotional issues which of course can manifest as behavioural problems. Kathleen really knows her stuff when it comes to equine reiki!