
Country Style Blogger of the Year Award – Finalists To Be Announced

In ten days time, the Country Style Blogger of the Year Award will announce the finalists in this year’s award. Judges, Samantha Hobden from Haynet and Ashley Rossiter from MirrorMePR have spent the last few months reading and following bloggers whose influences and style are focused on the countryside.

The standard this year has been the highest ever and many factors have been taken into account on why the finalists have been specifically chosen in this year Country Style Blogger of the Year Award. The announcement of the finalists will take place on Wednesday 2nd May at 8pm GMT through the CSE Blog Awards channel on Twitter by following the #countrystyleblogaward hashtag. Please come along that evening and find out which bloggers have made the finals this year, celebrating writing from the countryside.

Finalists will then have a chance to campaign for public votes where 50% of the result will be taken into account when judging the winner and runners up. The winner will receive £100 cash prize and trophy sponsored by MirrorMePR, advertising and marketing support for twelve months with Haynet and a dedicated business portfolio with the Equestrian Creative Network.

This promises to be an exciting contest, so please save the date and come along to the online announcement ceremony!