5 Top Tips in Looking After Your Leather
With the cooler seasons fast approaching, leather boots are being dusted off, leather gloves are coming out the hall drawer and the trusty leather jacket is being rooted for at the back of the wardrobe. Leather is all around us and it is not just seasonal these days in our clothing, we use it now fashionably in upholstery, we use leather in sport especially in all things equestrian and we use leather in everyday living without giving it a second thought.
This tough, durable material, however, needs some upkeep and care. Top quality leather comes at a premium and should be considered as a luxury that needs caring for. Whether you have invested in leather shoes or boots, handbag, jacket or a belt they should all be given regular care to keep them in tip top condition. If you have a horse, then keeping their tack in top condition is vital for your equestrian investment in shape! If you look after your leather and it will look after you!
Here are our top five tips for keeping your leather items looking their best:
1 Don’t Let Dirt Ruin Your Leather Investment
Quality leather is not cheap and should be classed as an investment whether that it is a handbag, a pair of boots or even a top crafted saddle for your horse. So take a look closely and if it is starting to look a little grubby, then give it a wipe over with just a damp cloth. Ideally this should be done weekly but if that all seems too much, wipe it over every month without fail.
2 Don’t Let Leather Get Too Wet
Sometimes when our winter weather is giving us a hard time, it can give our leather items some stress too if they get too wet. Dry out leather slowly and keep it away from direct heat. Speedy drying changes the chemical structure of leather and this is when you end up with the leather stiff and cracked. Dry items at room temperature and be patient in letting them dry over a few days.
3 Don’t Let Leather Get Too Dry
Leather also suffers when it is too dry. It has to be treated like we treat our skin. So if your leather is looking a bit parched then rub some moisture into it. Home remedies can be useful but if you have invested into a quality item of leather it pays to use a leather dressing or cream recommended by the maker or manufacturer. There are many products on the market that are used particularly for leather so it pays to use one for all your leather items without the worry of damaging them.
4 Let Your Leather Breathe
Make sure your leather items are kept in cool dry conditions and if they are being covered make sure that this is not plastic. If your leather is covered with no ventilation, then this encourages mildew growth. If the storage area is damp, then leather is one of the first items to attract mould which must be cleaned off straight away.
5 Don’t Let Your Leather Stretch
Leather is actually very pliable and can stretch out of shape easily. For example, if you pack out your leather wallet or purse with too many cards, receipts and money then it will never quite return to its given shape as when it was new. So don’t give your leather handbag or boots a hard time, because once they have been stretched, it is pretty much impossible for the leather to go back to its taut self.