5 Reasons To Start Writing Your Equestrian Blog
I wonder how many pictures you have on your phone of your horse and pony? Too many to count I imagine. Photographs do sometimes tell a story, but there is nothing more warming than to read and look back on times that you had with your horse and pony.
I am now a few decades on from being a pony mad teenager and the closest thing to a smartphone I had in those days was the local red phone box! It is very hard to imagine life without all the technology that surrounds us now but we did manage to survive without them.
I spent my childhood and early teenage years riding mad ponies and I loved it. Taking photographs was a long-winded affair having to send off negatives through your local chemist waiting a week for your photos to arrive. Thankfully technology has moved on and pictures with memories are now made in an instant. What we did have, was a pen and paper and I started writing diaries about the fun, the falls and the successes of riding ponies. Every few days I would write down the funny stories that life with ponies bring and what was going on in my life. I didn’t realise at the time how important those written entries in my diary would become so cherished now. A few decades on, I found these forgotten diaries in my parent’s attic a few years ago and it was the most brilliant feeling reading them back. Memories can fade sometimes so these written entries transported me right back to my childhood which is so good to have and recall. To read about those forgotten hairy ponies that would turf me off every week was a delight! The diaries are now all tatty and worn but my words were real, together with pencil sketches of the ponies I was riding. Even a couple of old rosettes fell from the pages!
Writing down about the times you have with your pony can be a lifelong record and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to read back many years on. My diaries also mentioned my family and pets we had at that time. They are precious memories to cherish, especially when some of these are not around anymore. Technology has moved on and if you would rather type out your memories, then writing a blog is an excellent and easy way to start.
With the use of the internet, online blogs are a brilliant way of keeping a record of your successes and failures that living the equestrian life can bring. Pages can be printed off which I would highly recommend keeping a hard copy of your diary entries. Together with photographic entries, blogging is such a versatile and modern way of keeping a diary. The equestrian blogging community also get together online and read other equine bloggers posts. This is a great way to keep connected socially with others that share the horse passion. Sometimes writing down your feelings, your frustrations and your happy times is a great release of emotion. You can also keep posts private on your blog, but if you would like them online make sure you are entirely happy with your diary entry before it goes live!
So, I urge you to start writing about your equestrian life. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Just make sure you have that moment written down!
Still undecided to start your own blog? Well here are 5 reasons to start your very own equestrian blog:
- It will preserve your equestrian memories by writing your own digital journal.
- You can inspire others to perhaps start horse riding just by reading your horses stories.
- It will improve your writing and confidence. With your stories and viewpoint being documented this can be of interest to others who will start to follow your posts.
- You can learn from other equestrian bloggers and relate with them when problems arise with your horse or pony. It is a great community.
- It can easily turn into a career. Blogging is now more recognised within business and if you have a good following writing quality content then great opportunities can come your way!
by Samantha Hobden
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