31 Equestrian Blogging Ideas To Keep You Writing
Throughout the month of August earlier this year, #HorseBloggers through it’s dedicated Twitter channel posted a tip every day helping you to keep writing. Sometimes topics dry up or you just feel you have nothing to say. There is always something to write about, so this post is listing the thirty one tips to keep your blogging trotting along.
I am also writing thirty one posts, writing about every tip in this series, so please visit the HayBale section where you can read these posts. If you find one of these tips spurs you to write a post, then please let us know here at Haynet and hashtag #HorseBloggers when sharing it socially:
#1 Blog about your first horse or pony you rode. Write about what you loved about riding for the first time.
#2 What is your favourite breed of horse and pony? Do you ride a certain breed and if so why.
#3 Write about your riding ambition – do you want to event or enter the dressage arena for the first time? Set yourself some new riding goals and blog about it!
#4 Go back in time and post a favourite photo from the past whether that it be you riding or a good friend or family member. Write about the memories.
#5 What’s in your tack box? What is the product you could not live without? Write about the oldest equestrian kit that you have and is still doing the job. Take pictures and post your post!
#6 Write about your stable routine which will help beginners who have just started out with horses. Give your top tips for mucking out, what bedding your use and where to save time and money.
#7 Write about your favourite equestrian film. What memories does that film bring back? Reminder the reader of what brilliant horse and pony films that are out there.
#8 Tell us about your typical day. Write about your yard and what your routine is, how you juggle your family and work. Write about the best parts of your day and the worst parts too. Let the reader know how you manage to fit a horse in your life.
#9 Have you been on a riding holiday? Is there a favourite place to take your horse to ride? Write about the ride and why you love it with some photographs of the views from horseback.
#10 Horse riding falls! They happen to all of us. Write about your riding falls and how they affected your confidence or if you were physically hurt. What made you get back on even after a nasty fall. Write about how you felt.
#11 Tell us about your riding instructor! Ride about how your riding has improved by your riding lessons, what are your lesson goals, what part of your schooling are your struggling with but also what are your riding triumphs.
#12 What are your favourite horse books? Are these recent books you have read or very old books going back many years? Write about why you loved them and what they have taught you.
#13 What are your money saving tips when it comes to owning horses. Write your top five tips to share on your blog. Invite readers to share their equestrian “hacks” to save the pennies.
#14 What are your favourite horse blogs? Write about the top ten equestrian blogs that you follow and why. Give them a shout out and some blog love!
#15 What is on your birthday or Christmas wish list that is horse related? What equine products that are out there that you would love to have and why.
#16 Box rest tips. Has your horse been on box rest? How did you keep them entertained while they have days or weeks in the stable.
#17 Invite a fellow horse blogger to write a guest post on your blog. Sharing content is a great way in increasing traffic to your page. Remember sharing is caring!
#18 Write a “before and after” post which has showed a condition that your horse had that has improved with your treatment and care. Write about the ups and downs when treating an equine ailment or illness.
#19 Give your farrier a big shout out in a blog post. Write about if you have overcome a shoeing problems and how you keep your horse’s hooves in tip top condition.
#20 Write an equestrian bucket list. Even if the list is short, blog about what you would love to do with your horse that is different. Refer back to it and make it happen!
#21 List the top five equestrian products that you could not live without. This could be anything from your favourite breeches to a turnout rug that has lasted. Shout out the companies you mention.
#22 Post a video on your blog. Film your horse enjoying themselves in the field or a hack out. Film your lessons and write about the best bits as well as the frustrating bits too.
#23 Write an equestrian product review. Give the pros and cons of the product and why you tried it out. Give it a mark out of ten and whether you would recommend it.
#24 What is your favourite equestrian blog post from another blogger? Why has their post appealed to you and what did you learn from their post. Let the fellow blogger know that their content is one of your faves!
#25 What is your favourite picture of your horses or pony? Post the picture on your blog and explain why it makes you so happy. Tell your story behind the photo.
#26 Give a shout out to your equestrian heroes. Has Mary King given you the urge to start eventing? Did Carl Hester give you the inspiration to enter the dressage arena? Write about your riding stars!
#27 Have you lost a horse that was one in a million? Write about the time with your beloved equine and how you felt when it was time to send them to Rainbow Bridge. Share your pictures and memories of them.
#28 Share an equestrian problem. Is there something that you are struggling with your schooling? Is your horse difficult to load or are they displaying behavioural problems? Ask through your blog post and engage with your fellow horse bloggers for their advice.
#29 Write about the best equine event that you watch or visit regularly. Is Badminton your favourite equestrian place to be or do you love a day at Cheltenham? Perhaps it is a local hunter trials that you love to watch. Write about these horse events together with your photographs.
#30 Write about your tops tips to get through the different seasons with your horse. How do you survive the winter, what are your summer top tips in dealing with the heat around horses and ponies? Do a photo montage of your horse through the seasons from the sun to the snow.
#31 Our last tip and give yourself a big horse blogging shout out! Write a post about why you started blogging and why you enjoy writing your stories from the stables to the fields. Make sure you post your social media pages on this post and when followers can find you.
Please let us know if you use any of the above blogging tips, where we will share your horsey content for you. Happy blogging!
by Samantha Hobden